Software Engineer with a passion for design. Previously worked at a startup in the digital media and advertising space. Find me on Github and LinkedIn.
ant OS
personal hub for tools built with react and golangapp built with react + golang
development of website for traditional artist Madison Mondshinewebsite for artist Madison Mondshine
design and development of website for fashion brand dtcwebsite for fashion brand dtc
artist website and content management for LA based dj CHYLartist website for CHYL
design and development of artist website for dj Bleamartist website for dj Bleam
artist website and content management for GALASOartist website for GALASO
2023I'm reading:
Journey to the West, Volume 1by Wu Cheng'en translation by Anthony C. Yu
Hi! I'm Anthony MercadoI'm a software engineer who studied CS at St. Edward's University. I love building things on the web. I also have a collection of interests including design, art, kickboxing, running, and music.You can checkout my resume here.